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Tuesday, February 22, 2011


What is eugenics?
Study or belief in the possibility of improving the human species of a human population, 
discouraging reproduction by persons having genetic defect or having a inheritable undesirable traits.

What were the social origins of eugenics?
  Scientists wanted the population to be able bodied and mentally stable. They thought the sterilization of the defective adult could help prevent more people. So basically they want moat of the population to not have human flaws.

What were the scientific origins of eugenics? 
In the 1800's positive eugenics,and negative eugenics came about. The sterilization law pasted in 1907. Therefore the bad eugenics people shouldn't be making babies.

What research methods were used to study eugenics and what were their flaws?
 Researchers discovered how to study the family tree, thats will go way back. They would study all their medical history. Then a researcher, Mendel t
ried experiments of genetic mixing. Brain capability was very hard to measure then because DNA was not discovered. They had difficulties figuring out blood types, eye color, and mental disorders.

How did eugenics research impact U.S society today?

Racial tensions is everywhere, I don't think we'll ever get rid of it. 

Also the way that people look, many people do or want to change their looks. But good things about it is 

more babies live, we figured out some ways to cured diseases.