Evolution: The process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth.
Its basically how we as humans and other species change in time. We inherit those traits and it is passed on the next generation. Jean Baptiste De Lamarck was the first discover that specices change over time. He was also the first to outline his developing ideas about evolution. The in 1802 Lamarck published Système des Animaux sans Vertebres, on the classification of invertebrates. Then a year later he published Hydrogéologie. Lamarck believed that life there was a progressive developments in nature. He believed that humans never became exinct but human changed into other species such as animals, also that human kept evolved upwards.
Then there was Charles Darwin. Darwin attented medical school then switched his magar. Darwin became to be a igeon breader, and started having questions. like if they could be so differnt why can't other species? t the age of 22 he went on a voyage for 5 year, which was only suppose to take 2 years. He conculed that the earth was much older than what he thought. Darwin started wondering how land forms developed. He started to conclude that not just land forms changed but species did too.He seen different animals and found many different fossils. So then Darwin started writing about all hes discoveries and all of his thoughts about all the differnt things that he explored. Darwin believed the theory of humans being animals then over time created to apes. Charles Darwin theory was a sercert he sat on his result for a while. He was scared that it would upset the churches and his scientific fault would be ruined. Then guy named Alfred Russel Wallance was about the take credit for Darwins life work because Alfred wanted to publish a book about evolution. Therefore Alfred inspered Darwin to publish his work anf they became partners. Darwin published a book about he coral reef formation, and grew to write many more.
Mircroevolution:Evolution resulting from a succession of relatively small genetic variations that often cause the formation of new subspecies. There are three ways the micro can occur. mutation, genetic drift, and natural selection. Mutation is change n DNA. Genetic drift is unpredictable change in a species population. And natural selection is an organism based on reproducing.
Macroevolution: refers to evolution of groups larger than an individual species.
I believed that God created everything. However it does make me think how we all got here. And if we were animals in one point in time.
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