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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Animal assistance foundation

Animal assistance foundation is committed to making Colorado exemplary in animal welfare and philanthropy for animal welfare.

Date: 4-23-11
Location: La junta, Co city park
Time: 3:30
animal: Squirrel

location: La junta.CO park
time 5:30 ish
Animal: Dog

Location: La junta.CO 4 VAN BUREN CIRCLE
Animal: rabbit

Date: 5-15-11
location: la junta, co 4 van buren circle
time: 7:26
animal: rabbit



Evolution: The process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth.

Its basically how we as humans and other species change in time. We inherit those traits and it is passed on the next generation. Jean Baptiste De Lamarck was the first discover that specices change over time. He was also the first to outline his developing ideas about evolution. The in 1802 Lamarck published Système des Animaux sans Vertebres, on the classification of invertebrates. Then a year later he published HydrogĂ©ologie. Lamarck believed that life there was a  progressive developments in nature. He believed that humans never became exinct but human changed into other species such as animals, also that human kept evolved upwards.
Then there was Charles Darwin. Darwin attented medical school then switched his magar. Darwin became to be a igeon breader, and started having questions. like if they could be so differnt why can't other species? t the age of 22 he went on a voyage for 5 year, which was only suppose to take 2 years. He conculed that the earth was much older than what he thought. Darwin started wondering how land forms developed. He started to conclude that not just land forms changed but species did too.He seen different animals and found many different fossils. So then Darwin started writing about all hes discoveries and all of his thoughts about all the differnt things that he explored. Darwin believed the theory of humans being animals then over time created to apes. Charles Darwin theory was a sercert he sat on his result for a while. He was scared that it would upset the churches and his scientific fault would be ruined. Then guy named  Alfred Russel Wallance was about the take credit for Darwins life work because Alfred wanted to publish a book about evolution. Therefore Alfred inspered Darwin to publish his work anf they became partners. Darwin published a book about he coral reef  formation, and grew to write many more.

Mircroevolution:Evolution resulting from a succession of relatively small genetic variations that often cause the formation of new subspecies. There are three ways the micro can occur. mutation, genetic drift, and natural selection. Mutation is change n DNA. Genetic drift is unpredictable change in a species population. And natural selection is an organism based on reproducing. 
Macroevolution: refers to evolution of groups larger than an individual species. 

I believed that God created everything. However it does make me think how we all got here. And if we were animals in one point in time.

Work Cited:




Thursday, April 21, 2011


Why do you think Vincent left his family, tearing his picture out of the family photo, after winning the swimming race against his brother?
I think that they left him out because he wanted them to think of his brother was still the best.
Describe the relationship between Vincent and Anton.
 Anton and Vincent relationship was that Anton is better then him so Vincent always came after him.

When Jerome Morrow said to Vincent/Jerome, “They’re not looking for you. When they look at you, they only see me,” what did he mean? Can you find any parallels to this type of situation in real life?
I think it meaning that when they see him, he is perfect because jerome has the perfect DNA. And yes because someone can change their outer appearance.

Choose your favorite character from the film. Explain why you choose that person. Would you want to be that person? Why? Why not?
 My favorite person was Vincent because he had the drive to accomplish his dream.

At the end of the film, you are told that the Doctor knew about Vincent all along. Why did the Doctor go along with the fraud? What would you have done if you were the Doctor?
The doctor went along with the fraud because i think he wanted vincent to accomplish dream. If i was the doctor i would have also get him go because its shouldn't matter he he does not have perfect DNA.
The technology to do what was done in the movie is definitely possible within the next fifty years. Do you think that Vincent’s world could eventually happen in America? Why?
I believe that it can happen, because we are getting so advanced with technology its just a matter of time.

What do you think is wrong with the society portrayed in "GATTACA"? What is right?
I believe that it is not right, they should not be ranked on the DNA. It doesnt tell you who is a good person or really wants this job. 
What were the screenwriters trying to tell us through the episode of the 12-fingered pianist? Is anything wrong with engineering children to have 12 fingers if, as a result, they will be able to make extraordinarily beautiful music?
 i dont think it is wrong to engineer your children, it would just make them better. However it would be a little weird to have 12 fingers. 

You and your spouse are having a child and are at the Genetic Clinic pictured in the movie. What characteristics would you want for your child and what would you ask to be excluded? Why would you make those choices?
I would want to make my children with the best looks and talents, and good health
Picture yourself as either Vincent, Jerome, or Anton. Would you have acted the same or done things differently if you were in the same world as them?
If i was jerome i would kill myself. Vincent- i would not have done anything different. Anton- i would try to get along with my brother.

How does the society in GATTACA resemble the type of society America was during the height of the eugenics movement?
America wants people to be perfect, good looks and brains!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

DNA Sequencing Activity*

I think that most likely that all of them have a disease because they all have changes in their DNA. However I don't think that Carol is that messed up because she is just missing one base which caused everything to shift over. Bob should have something to worry about because he is already missing amino acid because he is not getting enough protein. And Abby just has one base change, so it shouldn't be a big deal.

Abby: GAG-->GTG point mutation Glu( +)-->Val(hydrophobic) 

one base change

Bob: AAG-->TAG LYS-->STOP end of the protein= Truncation mutation

missing amino acid because it's not getting enough protein 

Carol:  DNA is not that messed up but it is missing a base therefore it made everything             shift over, which is called a Frameshift mutation.

normal: ACT CCT GAG
              | | /   ///    ///
Carol:  ACC CTG AGG 

Monday, March 14, 2011

Different ways to make a baby

 Makin babies!

  • When i heard about all the ways you can make a baby, I was amazed! I had no idea you can reproduce in so many ways. Well of course everyone knows a the nature way with sex. But the other 18 ways are just crazy.

  1. Nature sex
  2. single sperm is injected into the mothers egg.
  3. of mother with sperm
  4. with egg and sperm donors, using surrogate mother
  5. Vitro fertilization using egg of mother and sperm of father
  6. Intra cytoplamic sperm injection
  7. Freezing embryos for womans later use
  8. Premplantation genetic diagnosis
  9. egg donor
  10. sperm donor
  11. egg and sperm donor
  12. surrogate using parents 
  13. surrogate and egg donor
  14. surrogate and sperm donor
  15. egg, sperm from baby father
  16. surrogate using egg anf sperm donors.
  17. Cytoplasmic transfer
  18. Nuclear transfer/ cloning

The one that i think is pretty amazing is taking eggs from a woman and freezing them then later fertilzing them with mans sperm,  returning the embryos to her uterus days later. Therefore you could have a baby at whatever age you want. The other one that  interests me  is cloning. I think that it is so crazy that we got so advanced, that it is a possibly.




Getting DNA from wheat
  • First, I added 20 ml warm water to the wheat and mix for 3 minutes . I noticed the wheat got very thick. then after i added 1 ml (1/4 teaspoon) of detergent and mix gently every five minutes. It looked like watery bread crumbs and it also turned more yellow. The i used a pipette to remove foam from the top of the solution After that i put 14 ml of alcohol down the side so that it forms a layer on the top of the water. It helped the DNA get out from the wheat. Next, i let it sit for a few minutes and white stringily DNA appeared where the water meet the alcohol. Then i used a little wooden stick to to remove the DNA. We thought the over all DNA looked like a booger! Ahaha....it formed into to four layers 1st- the wheat 2nd- the detergent 3rd- white layer (dna) 4th- alcohol *

Olga and Greg predigee.*


  1. Do autosomal dominant disorders skip generations?no, they can but its not likely
  2. Could Greg or his mother be carriers of the gene that causes myotonic dystrophy? no, because his mother is over 50 and there is no signs of her having myotonic dystrophy
  3. Is there a possibility that Greg’s aunt or uncle is homozygous for the myotonic dystrophy (MD) gene? yes, because one of his aunt and uncles has this disease 
  4. Symptoms of myotonic dystrophy sometimes don’t show up until after age fifty. What is the possibility that Greg’s cousin has inherited the MD gene?50/50 because the mother has it
  5. What is the possibility that Greg and Olga’s children could inherit the MD gene? no chance because neither of the parents have it.

Friday, March 11, 2011


DNA- nucleic acid that contains genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms.

DNA is locates in the cell nucleus, however a small amount is found in mitochondria. Every person has the same DNA in their body.

4 Chemical Bases: Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, and Thymine
base pair :Guanine- Cytosine

Their are attached to sugar molecules and phosphate molecules, they are called nucleotide( back bone). Nucleotide have two long strands that are form a spiral thats called double helix. These base pairs form ladder's rung and the sugar and phosphate form the vertical side of the ladder like figure.

Proteins attach to DNA and help the starnds coil ip into the chromosome when the cell gets divide

Replicate: DNA can make copies of itself. Each cells divides because each new cell need to have a exact copy of DNA present in the old cell.


Tuesday, February 22, 2011


What is eugenics?
Study or belief in the possibility of improving the human species of a human population, 
discouraging reproduction by persons having genetic defect or having a inheritable undesirable traits.

What were the social origins of eugenics?
  Scientists wanted the population to be able bodied and mentally stable. They thought the sterilization of the defective adult could help prevent more people. So basically they want moat of the population to not have human flaws.

What were the scientific origins of eugenics? 
In the 1800's positive eugenics,and negative eugenics came about. The sterilization law pasted in 1907. Therefore the bad eugenics people shouldn't be making babies.

What research methods were used to study eugenics and what were their flaws?
 Researchers discovered how to study the family tree, thats will go way back. They would study all their medical history. Then a researcher, Mendel t
ried experiments of genetic mixing. Brain capability was very hard to measure then because DNA was not discovered. They had difficulties figuring out blood types, eye color, and mental disorders.

How did eugenics research impact U.S society today?

Racial tensions is everywhere, I don't think we'll ever get rid of it. 

Also the way that people look, many people do or want to change their looks. But good things about it is 

more babies live, we figured out some ways to cured diseases.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


            We all have many different genes in us These genes determine what our outer appearance will look like. For instants like out skin color, hair color, eye color,even some diseases we can inherit. People are carriers of some restive disease, but they do not have to have this disease but they will carry it the next generation. Genes have to deal with molecular structure. We inherit our genes from our parents and other blood lines. Our genes are living organisms, even plants and bacteria carrie genes. Our genes have DNA inside the cell, DNA is a molecule with four types of nucleotides. DNA creates other copies of itself, thats how we get more genes that we inherited. 
  • Aneesha and I created a fake baby that we would have with each other. We couldn't predict what sex of the baby we will have, Because its an 50- 50 chance its a boy or a girl. Even with the physical appearance. We both thought it was pretty interesting and entertaining  at the same time. The baby turned out to be a good looking kid. :) lol

23 pairs of chromosomes 


Monday, January 10, 2011

cell cycle

Cell Cycle
I realized that I didn't know too much about the cell cycle. So here's the basics of how it works.

  • It starts off at with G1- this is when the cell grows, controls mechanism ensures its ready for DNA synthesis
  • S phase-the cell makes DNA to make other cells
  • G2 phase-cell grows more and makes more cell molecules  Gap between DNA and mitosis, makes sure everything is ready to go into mitosis stage
  • Mitosis- cell separates the chromosome in the nucleus into identical sets.

Interphase: End of the Cell Cycle, cell becomes two different cells. cell growth stops at this stage it focuses on the division into two daughters cells.
Metaphase- The chromatids are lined up between.
Anaphase: The chromotids begin to separate and become chromosomes. then moves towards the ends of the poles.  
Metaphase-stage of meiosis, comes before anaphase, chromosome become aligned before getting separated. 
Prophases-nuclear disappears and centrioles divides and migrate to opposite ends of the cells
Telophase-The chromosomes arrive at the poles, and starts to grow a nuclear membranes.
Cytokinesis- A furrow is created in the parent cell and the two new cells grow apart.